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May 05, 2004
Air , Blogging , Photography

So Photoblogs.org has a realtime list of Hot Photoblogs, which are photo blogs that have generated the most interest in the last 7 days among Photoblog.org viewers.

Phoenix Feather Photos the "In Pictures..." side of my site has made it to number 78 on that list!

I'm a Hot Photoblog!!! Woo Hoo!!! *does a little dance*


There are 3850 photoblogs listed at Photoblogs.org - just random facts. I feel so special.

Posted by: rachel at May 5, 2004 01:06 PM

So I reached a high of #59 on the hot list yesterday... right now I'm all the way down to #98. Still very good, but I want to stay on the list for a little while. So this is me asking you all to go to my photoblog listing and tell them that my photo blog is one of your favorites. Its simple, just sign up list me as one of your favorites. While you are there, look around and see what other photoblogs might interest you.

Posted by: rachel at May 6, 2004 02:32 PM


Your recent Macro series is amazing. Absolutely amazing. And to think you just got that lens. I do have a question for you. How do you think about framing when you are snapping these shots?

Posted by: Indigo at May 10, 2004 08:20 AM

Hi...Indigo is right...the macro's are amazing..and good luck staying on that hotlist!!
thanks for your comments on my site..its always great to hear such nice things...I do have a macro and will give it a go soon as I can...thanks again!

Posted by: squeak at May 10, 2004 12:44 PM


I will try and answer your question, however I tried to answer a similar question for Kevin (how do i pick out from photo from everything going on around me?) and I don't think I did it very well.

First off, you try and get your shot exactly the way you want it, but don't be afraid to crop a photo afterward to make it the way you want it. I counted and 9 of the 30 photos i cropped afterward. I didn't crop a whole lot, but sometimes that little bit makes a big difference.

Second, flowers are pretty easy... they aren't kids or dancers or people/animals things that move a lot. They will sit there while you figure out how you want the picture, and the more you do that, the less time it will take the next time around.

Finally, and this is where it gets fuzzy, follow your instinct. A large part of my background is in theatre and performing arts, and I use this in my photography. When I'm taking a picture I look for the drama. I look for that moment that evokes an emotion. I don't mean that I'm overwhelmed when I see the picture, but I notice what is in my view finder that just feels right.

There isn't really a formula for doing this. Most photography books and art classes will teach general guidelines to good composition, and those are a really good start. Most of those rules were worked into me in high school because I had amazing art teachers.

I hope that answers the question at least somewhat. I'm really sorry if it doesn't.

Posted by: rachel at May 10, 2004 12:46 PM
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